Crypto Store By ID3 > Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement (As of February 26th, 2019)

ID3 Services Limited (ID-3) is committed to the purpose and principles of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act").

ID-3 strives to maintain the highest ethical standards of conduct and corporate responsibility - to act with integrity and respect for the rights of each human being.

ID-3 employees, suppliers, partners and others through whom ID-3 conducts business must not engage in any practice that constitutes any form of modern slavery. To demonstrate our commitment to the letter, spirit and principles of the Act ID-3 maintains a program that includes the following actions and policies.

ID-3 Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

ID-3's employees reaffirmed their commitment to and compliance with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code of Conduct"). The Code of Conduct, adopted by our Board of Directors, states ID-3's expectation that all employees and business partners are committed to upholding the fundamental human rights of others.

It expressly prohibits use of child and forced labour and unlawful discrimination.


  • We contractually require our suppliers to comply with applicable laws, we have begun including additional provisions in our supplier agreements, which require our suppliers to confirm that there is no existing nor will there be future practices of human rights abuse. We also require our suppliers to ensure that any sub-contractors they use also comply with the provisions.
  • Suppliers that will have access to our systems or data are required to affirmatively confirm the prohibition of human rights abuse in their business operations.

Channel Partners

  • All new channel partners are required to confirm whether they have had, or have been investigated for, any violations of human rights.
  • We contractually require our channel partners to comply with applicable laws and with our Code of Conduct.
  • All new channel partners are required to go through a third-party due diligence background check prior to entering in to an agreement with ID-3 to the extent permitted under applicable law.

As we expand our business activities and work with suppliers domestically and globally, ID-3 remains committed to the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.


Elton Jones
Chief Executive Officer

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